Top Tips to Improve Your Digestion

How good is your digestive health?

Lots of women don't realise that changes in their digestion can be linked to the hormone fluctuations that occur during perimenopause and after menopause.

Common complaints that I hear in clinic include:

  • bloating

  • constipation

  • diarrhoea

  • reflux or heartburn

  • stomach cramps

Many of these symptoms can be linked to the fact that as we age, our bodies start to secrete fewer digestive enzymes and we produce less stomach acid - making good digestion and absorption just that bit harder.

But there can also be other factors that affect our digestion:

  • high stress levels

  • poor diet

  • inflammatory foods and drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar and ultra processed foods

  • for some people gluten and/or dairy can be an issue

  • eating on the go

  • eating quickly and not chewing thoroughly

In my signature Health Refresh programme, I start with improving my client's digestion, because if you are not breaking your food down properly and absorbing nutrients well, then it really doesn't matter how good your diet is.

Here are my top tips that work on helping to improve your digestion, and they are really easy to put into action right now.

SLOW DOWN YOUR EATING ... digestion starts in the brain, so take time to smell your food and look at your food and allow the production of saliva and stomach acid.

CHEW YOUR FOOD THOROUGHLY ... try and chew your food to a pulp before swallowing.

FOCUS ON EATING ... aim to sit at a table to eat your meals, and try not to be at your computer or on your phone while eating. Take your time and put your knife and fork down after each mouthful.

This does take some practice and isn't always possible, but it is so worth the effort!


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